Coppinger Midleton Brewery
William Joseph Coppinger of 'Glenmore Lodge', Cove was leaseholder of Midleton's Coppinger Brewery Business. Although, it is currently
uncertain when this business commenced, it is understood to have ceased trading about 1837, as noted within the ‘Valuation
House Book’ of 18th December 1849. Here it is also noted the property was leased by William Joseph to an unnamed old man,
and was in a sad state of repair, which had previously been leased to brothers; John and William Coppinger as a Brewery
with 11 ½ acres of land.
Southern Rerporter,
21st August 1852
Guy's 1844/45 Postal Directory
(Edited Extract)
Valuation House Book,
18th December 1849
Follows is the transcribed text in relation to the damaged Brewery property, part of which is leased to the unnamed
nephews of William Joseph.
This concern, including ½ acres of land adjacent, and let to a tenant is held on an old lease rent £150 a year –
Tenant advanced £500 and made at their own cost about half the buildings –
This was a Brewery but for more than 12 years has not been so occupied –
This year 1847-1848 about 1/3 part of the stores is let for 6 months for £30 to Messrs Coppinger’s nephews-
The yards are convenient but in winter are frequently inundated. The spring tides damaging up the shores to the
whole concern is more or less flooded –
The present tenants are an old man and have no idea to resume brewing or embark in any business –
As a whole, the buildings seem rather prematurely damaged.
Shortly before William Joseph’s death, the Brewery concerns were put on the market to be let was by Joseph Coppinger
of ‘Rock Terrace’. One such notice was placed, Cork Examiner 4th September 1850. Then again, 21st
August 1852, another ‘For Let’ notices began to appear in various newspapers such as the; Southern Reporter and Cork
Examiner, with applications to be made to William Joseph Coppinger of ‘Glenmore Cottage’, where it states ‘lately held by
Joseph Coppinger, Esq.’, who was possibly his brother
Cork Examiner,
4thSeptember 1850
Southern Reporter,
21st August 1852